Collins Powell`s "James Bond"

Written by Arthur Zulu

"He hidrepparttar weapons of mass destruction in all sorts of odd places. But we saw him hide it. We took photographs. We recorded discussions. We saw his links with terrorists. It isrepparttar 126047 most evil empire on earth right now. And he must be stopped!"

This story-teller is not some fiction writer. Or some movie star from Hollywood,repparttar 126048 entertainment capital ofrepparttar 126049 world. Andrepparttar 126050 scene is far removed from Frankenstein territory. But this story-teller is a former war general turned American Secretary of State named Collins Powell. The scene isrepparttar 126051 floor ofrepparttar 126052 great United Nations, which some folks who have a bad sense of humor call Talking Nations. The major character ofrepparttar 126053 story is Saddam Hussein. Andrepparttar 126054 devilish empire is Iraq.

The high point ofrepparttar 126055 JAMES BOND story is notrepparttar 126056 satellite photographs (after all where arerepparttar 126057 weapons?) nor is itrepparttar 126058 Al Qaeda connection (after all if you are not with us you are against us - by George Bush). Butrepparttar 126059 most interesting point ofrepparttar 126060 over one-hour speech atrepparttar 126061 Talking Nations, sorry United Nations, isrepparttar 126062 voice recording. For these "devils" in Iraq were actually saying "hide it, hide it, hide it" in reference torepparttar 126063 weapons of mass destruction, sorry wepunmassdistrucshun. I actually likerepparttar 126064 literary effect (The Arabic version is musical torepparttar 126065 ears).

And afterrepparttar 126066 great "revelation," war mongers went to town. They said that it has been proved that Iraq is actually a threat to world peace. What do they call a proven theory in Latin? Quod erat Demonstradum. Yes,repparttar 126067 theory has been demonstrated that if Iraq is not disarmed right now, that "madman" directing events in that country will cause historians issuing titles like THE END OF ORDER. Or THE END OF HISTORY. Or THE END OF THE WORLD. What a pity! And these war mongers rolled out Ukulelerepparttar 126068 drum, and serenadedrepparttar 126069 movie star, Collins Powell.

Butrepparttar 126070 pacifists were not impressed. First in that number wasrepparttar 126071 Inspection Team in Iraq who thought they would have been handed these evidences ab initio, instead of making it a public show. (Forget them for they know notrepparttar 126072 rules of script writing.) Then Iraqi officials called it a cock-and-bull story. (Make it a cattle-and-ram story.) France and Germany say no to war. (Americans call themrepparttar 126073 old Europe) And even Russia is not impressed. Is it because they have their hands on Iraqi oil? (Never mind anyway. That Powerless country is part of "pieces of eight")

Before then, Africa's Nelson Mandela, was up in arms against George Bush Jnr. and Tony Blair. He called Bush an arrogant man intent in plungingrepparttar 126074 world into a holocaust, calling Blair George Bush's foreign minister .He even says that Bush wants to renderrepparttar 126075 UN irrelevant because an African -Koffi Annan - not a Whiteman, is Secretary-General.

But some wonder why Mandela said so. Is it that old age is telling on him? And he is forgetting things as if he crossedrepparttar 126076 River Lethe. Or drank Mandragora. Does he not know that Tony Blair, Britain's Prime Minister cannot be a foreign minister torepparttar 126077 president of another sovereign country? And it pained not a few Africans that this their illustrious son has forgotten elementary government.

Regarding his anti war stance, some point to his guerilla war against white South Africa. After all, his "terrorism" paid off because South Africa is now free of violence, anarchists, and rapists. And Bush and Blair want to makerepparttar 126078 earth a paradise-- free of devils-- by declaring war on dangerous Iraq. Forget Nelson Mandela. When last did a black man say useful things?

Turkish court denies 1000 european plaintiffs the lawsuit +++ German politicans Guido Westerwelle and Roland Koch helps the european citizens

Written by Dieter Kohler , Vice president IGDD

on Friday, February 7th 2003repparttar Turkish "Big Senate" for administrative processes forrepparttar 126046 second time did not permitrepparttar 126047 negotiation of 1000 claims againstrepparttar 126048 illegal nationalization of Demirbank, brought in by 1000 complainers from 14 European countries. The reason therefor shall be a 60 day (!) period of limitation which starts to run withrepparttar 126049 publishing inrepparttar 126050 Turkish "Official Journal" and which also shall apply for foreigners who live in foreign countries! This is precarious and not comprehensible, because in other cases in turkey after years administrative complaints are still accepted. This final refusal of our complaints againstrepparttar 126051 official administration is a clear refusal ofrepparttar 126052 legal protection of us plaintiffs. The Turkey expert and lawyer from Stuttgart, Germany, who representsrepparttar 126053 Community of Interests of German and International Demirbank shareholders (IGDD), will hand in therfore a case atrepparttar 126054 European human right Court of Justice in Strasbourg, France. The case develops at present inrepparttar 126055 European Union- and federal politics highest explosiveness. Several important german politicians started important activities. Mr. Guido Westerwelle, head ofrepparttar 126056 liberally Bundestag party FDP, started a written question torepparttar 126057 german government. Roland Koch, Prime Minister of Hessen and one of most important german politicans, wrote a letter torepparttar 126058 the German Minister of Foreign and ask him for any help he can give to solverepparttar 126059 expropriation of 14.000 european shareholders. Prof.Dr. Hans-Gert Poettering, who isrepparttar 126060 head of all christian democratic parties inrepparttar 126061 European Parlament, askedrepparttar 126062 Turkish Ambassador atrepparttar 126063 European Union for an written report ofrepparttar 126064 Demirbank case.

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